How Do You Track Interactions in GA4 Single-Page Applications?

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With the advancement in technology, Do you want to provide a responsive and smooth user experience on your website

Find out how it can be possible with Google Analytics 4. We are here to help you. 

Many websites have adopted the GA4 Single-Page Application (SPA) structure to enhance user engagement and reduce load times. However, user interactions in SPA tracking can be challenging due to the dynamic nature of these applications. 

As Universal Analytics approaches its retirement, it’s crucial to understand how Google Analytics 4 (GA4) can simplify SPA tracking

This blog is for you to guide you through this process. 


Get in touch to learn about Analytico’s Digital Analytics Audit services or GA4 audit services.

What is a Single Page Application 

GA4 Single Page Application

A Single-Page Application (SPA) is a web application or website that loads all necessary resources on the initial page load and dynamically updates the content as users interact with the site.

Unlike traditional multi-page websites where each page reloads separately, GA4 Single Page Applications use JavaScript frameworks like React, Angular, or Vue.js to handle navigation and content changes without requiring full page reloads. 

This results in a smoother user experience with faster transitions and reduced load times.

For instance, consider a modern email client like Gmail. When you open Gmail, the application loads once and dynamically updates the content as you navigate between your inbox, compose emails, and manage settings. 

Despite changes in the URL and visible content, the core page does not reload, giving the illusion of multiple pages while maintaining a seamless user experience.

In terms of analytics, traditional tracking methods might not work effectively with SPAs because the page does not reload with each interaction. 

Google Analytics 4’s Enhanced Measurement can track some of these interactions, but additional configuration in GA4 & GTM may be necessary to ensure accurate tracking of user engagement and page views within SPAs.

Single Page Application Characteristics 

SPA Analytics have several distinct characteristics that differentiate them from traditional multi-page websites:

SPA Tracking, Google Analytics SPA

1.Single HTML Page

SPAs load a single HTML page and dynamically update the content as users interact with the application, rather than loading new HTML pages.

2. Dynamic Content Loading

Content and data are fetched asynchronously using JavaScript, often through APIs (e.g., XMLHttpRequest or Fetch API), to update parts of the page without a full reload.

3. Client-Side Routing

SPAs use client-side routing to manage navigation. JavaScript frameworks handle URL changes and display the appropriate content without triggering a full page reload.

4. Reduced Server Requests

Since the main HTML page is loaded once, subsequent interactions generally only involve data requests to the server, minimizing the need for full-page reloads.

5. Faster Transitions

By avoiding full-page reloads, SPA tracking offers smoother and faster transitions between views, providing a more responsive user experience.

6. State Management

Google Analytics SPA often utilizes client-side state management to handle user interactions and application state, ensuring consistent behavior and data across different parts of the app.

7. Single Page Load

The application’s initial load includes all necessary resources (HTML, CSS, and JavaScript), which can lead to longer initial load times but improves performance for subsequent interactions.

8. Enhanced Caching

SPA analytics can cache data effectively, allowing users to interact with the application even when offline or with a poor internet connection.

9. Use of JavaScript Frameworks

SPA tracking is typically built using JavaScript frameworks or libraries like React, Angular, or Vue.js, which provide the tools for building dynamic, interactive user interfaces.

10. SEO Considerations

SPAs can face challenges with search engine optimization (SEO) since content is loaded dynamically and not all content may be available to search engine crawlers by default. Techniques like server-side rendering or pre-rendering can help address these issues.

These characteristics make SPAs well-suited for applications requiring a high level of interactivity and smooth user experiences, such as social media platforms, email clients, and interactive dashboards

Why Interaction in SPA Tracking is Challenging?

User interactions in SPA Tracking present unique challenges due to their dynamic nature. Traditional analytics methods rely on page reloads to trigger tracking events, which do not occur in SPA analytics. 

Instead, SPAs handle navigation and content updates internally, making it necessary to implement custom tracking solutions to capture user interactions accurately.

Methods to Track Single-Page Application 

In this guide, we’ll explore three techniques for SPA tracking:

  • Built-in Tracking of Google Analytics 4 (quickest method)
  • Using a History Change Listener within Google Tag Manager
  • Developer-assisted pageview data is pushed to the Data Layer upon navigation


If all three tracking options are feasible, it’s recommended to use Method 3 (developer’s help + dataLayer.push) as it is the most robust approach.

Method 1: Using Google Analytics 4’s Enhanced Measurement to Track Pageviews

Here’s how to track GA4 single-page applications using Google Analytics 4’s enhanced measurement:

  • Access Stream Settings:

Go to the Admin panel in Google Analytics.

GA4 data collect, data stream, SPA tracking

Under the Property column, click on “Data Streams.”

Select the relevant stream.

Configure Enhanced Measurement:

GA4 enhanced Measurement

In the Web Stream Details, click on the settings cog under Enhanced Measurement.

Click “Show advanced settings.”

GA4 Page View , SPA tracking

GA4 Page view SPA Tracking

Enable “Page changes based on browser history events.”


Other events like Scrolls, Outbound Clicks, and Site Search might not work as expected. To avoid inaccurate data, it’s better to disable them or configure them using Google Tag Manager (GTM).

  • Save Your Settings:

Once configured, click the “Save” button in the top right corner.

  • Verify Configuration:

Open GTM and enter Preview mode by clicking the “Preview” button in the top right corner.

Enter your website URL and click “Connect.” The page will refresh and display tracking information.

Look for the history change event (GTM.historyChange-v2) in the GTM container.

  • Check Pageview Event:

Select the GA4 measurement ID at the top to see if the pageview event is being tracked.

If the events are not being sent to GA4, consider using the second method.


Method 2: Using Google Tag Manager’s History Change Trigger

Similar to GA4’s built-in enhanced measurement, this method listens for changes in the website’s history to send pageview events to GA4.

Here’s how spa tracking using GTM history change triggers:

  • GTM Account:

Log into GTM. Create a New Trigger: Navigate to the “Triggers” section and click on the “New” button. Select Trigger Type. Scroll down and select “History Change” as the trigger type.

Google Analytics SPA tracking

  • Configure Trigger:

Set it to fire on “All History Changes” and save it.

  • Test the Configuration:

Enter GTM’s preview mode as described in Method 1.

Ensure that the GA4 config tag fires and that you see history change events.


If you notice multiple history events, you may need to refine your triggers to avoid data pollution by setting them to fire based on specific changes instead of all changes.


Method 3: Using Data Layer Push and GTM

When the first two methods aren’t effective, the third approach involves enlisting a developer to push data to the data layer, allowing you to store values and trigger page_views

Here’s how to implement this method:

  • Developer Setup

Ask your developer to add the following code to your website, ensuring that pageUrl and pageTitle are dynamically populated for each page and/or content type

Google Analytics SAP Tracking

  • Google Tag Manager Configuration

Go to Variables and then Click “New”. Select “Data Layer Variable.”

SPA tracking

Set up two variables: one for pageUrl and one for pageTitle.

  • Set Up a Custom Event Trigger:

Go to Triggers, Click “New” then Select “Custom Event.” Configure it to trigger on the event name virtualPageview.

  • Create a GA4 Event Tag:

Go to Tags, Click “New” then Select “GA4 Event” as the tag type. Configure the tag with the following settings: Event Name: page_view

GA4 Single Page Application

  • Event Parameters:

Add page_location with the value of the DLV – pageUrl variable. Add page_title with the value of the DLV – pageTitle variable. Use the custom event to trigger the virtual pageview.

  • Testing:

Test the setup in GTM’s preview mode and GA4’s DebugView to ensure the correct data is being captured, particularly the page_location (URL) and page_title parameters.


We don’t add these parameters to the GA4 Configuration Tag because GA4 only reads these parameters during the initial page load. For SPAs, the values will change dynamically, so we need to capture them through the custom event.

Best Practices for Google Analytics SPA Tracking 

When tracking SPAs, it’s crucial to follow these best practices:

1. Utilize Developer Assistance

If available, seek help from developers and use the data layer method for implementation.

2. Thoroughly Test and Verify

Use Google Tag Manager’s preview mode and GA4’s DebugView to ensure your setup captures data correctly without duplicates or errors.

3. Handle URLs with Fragments

For websites with URLs containing fragments (e.g., #), store the full URL in a JavaScript variable and override the page_location parameter in all GA4 event tags with this value.

4. Separate Configuration for Parameters

Avoid adding page_location and page_title parameters in the GA4 configuration tag. Instead, create a separate GA4 event tag for page_view to override these parameters.

5. Evaluate Configuration Options

Determine whether you need to enable the “Send a page view event when this configuration loads” option in the GA4 configuration tag.

Following these best practices can help prevent common data collection issues and ensure accurate tracking of your single-page application.


Tracking interactions in Single-Page Applications (SPAs) using Google Analytics 4 (GA4) requires a strategic approach due to their dynamic nature. 

By leveraging GA4’s Enhanced Measurement, Google Tag Manager’s History Change Trigger, and developer-assisted data layer pushes, you can ensure accurate tracking of user engagement and page views. 

Each method offers unique benefits and challenges, but with proper implementation and testing, you can maintain a comprehensive understanding of user behavior in your SPA.

Implementing these techniques will not only enhance your analytics capabilities but also provide deeper insights into user interactions, helping you optimize your website for a superior user experience. 

Remember to follow best practices, utilize developer assistance when possible, and continuously verify your setup to ensure data accuracy.

For more personalized assistance with your GA4 setup or to conduct a thorough Digital Analytics Audit, reach out to Analytico’s expert team. 

We’re here to help you navigate the complexities of modern web analytics and achieve your digital goals.

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This article was last updated on July 23, 2024

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