10 Reasons Business Intelligence Consultants Use Power BI

10 Reasons Business Intelligence Consultants Use Power BI

Reasons business intelligence consultants use Power BI include cost-effectiveness, advanced visualization, data security, & tools like DAX and Power Query.

By: Mussarat Nosheen | 11 mins read
Published: Jun 5, 2024 7:29:43 AM | Updated: Jul 03, 2024 11:33:11 AM

Business intelligence and analytics software are so widely adapted that they are projected to reach a market size of $ 18 billion in 2026.

Even before you consider the 10 reasons business intelligence consultants use Power BI, the fact that Microsoft is the leading player in the business intelligence analytics market with $ 2.6 billion is a huge tell about its success. 

Let us quickly review business intelligence and Microsoft Power BI before we dig into the top ten reasons it is a favorite with Business Intelligence consultants.  

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What is Business Intelligence and Why is it Important?

Business intelligence (BI) is a technology-driven process for analyzing data and presenting actionable information to help executives, managers, and other corporate end-users make informed business decisions. 

Modern BI solutions provide a comprehensive view of an organization’s data, allowing for quick adaptation to market changes, inefficiency elimination, and data-driven decision-making. 

What is Business Intelligence and Why is it Important?

Key components include self-service analysis, trusted data platforms, and rapid insights.

How Business Intelligence Works?

BI collects raw data from various business systems and processes it into a format suitable for analysis. It is stored in data warehouses, the cloud, or other repositories. 

Users then access this processed data through BI tools that facilitate analysis and visualization, transforming the data into charts, graphs, and dashboards. 

These visual tools help stakeholders and decision-makers understand the data and derive actionable insights.

BI Methods

BI encompasses a variety of methods to optimize performance:

  • Data Mining:  Using databases, statistics, and machine learning to identify trends in large datasets.
  • Reporting: Sharing data analysis with stakeholders to facilitate decision-making.
  • Performance Metrics and Benchmarking: Comparing current performance data to historical data to track progress against goals.
  • Descriptive Analytics: Analyzing preliminary data to understand past events.
  • Querying: Asking specific questions from the data and retrieving answers.
  • Statistical Analysis: Using statistical techniques to explore data and explain trends.
  • Data Visualization: Creating visual representations of data to make analysis more accessible.
  • Visual Analysis: Using visual storytelling to communicate insights and maintain analytical flow.
  • Data Preparation: Compiling and preparing data from multiple sources for analysis.

What is Power BI?

Microsoft Power BI is a powerful business analytics tool that allows users to visualize their data and share insights across their organizations, or embed them in an app or website. 

It offers a range of capabilities, including data preparation, data discovery, and interactive dashboards. 

What is Power BI?

Power BI stands out due to its ease of use, robust functionality, and integration with other Microsoft products, making it a popular choice among business intelligence consultants.

Key Components of Power BI

  • Power BI Desktop: Creates detailed reports and visualizations with a drag-and-drop interface.
  • Power BI Service: Cloud-based platform for sharing and collaborating on reports.
  • Power BI Mobile Apps: Provides on-the-go access to data insights and visualizations.

Integration and Versatility

Integrates with various data sources, enabling centralized data analysis efforts.

Seamless integration with Microsoft products like Azure and Teams enhances functionality and collaborative analysis.

Benefits of Power BI

Data Visualization and Insights: Transforms raw data into interactive visual reports with real-time insights and AI capabilities.

Collaboration and Accessibility: Supports easy sharing and collaboration on reports, accessible through mobile apps.

10 Reasons Why Business Intelligence Consultants Use Power BI

Now, let us understand why business intelligence consultants prefer Power BI.

1. User-Friendly Interface

Power BI boasts a user-friendly interface that simplifies the data analysis process. Its drag-and-drop functionality allows for easy creation of interactive reports and dashboards without extensive technical knowledge.

Consultants benefit from faster development cycles and greater efficiency, while clients enjoy faster access to insights and increased user adoption.

Reasons why business intelligence consultants use Power PI: User-Friendly Interface

Power BI's interface is designed for ease of use, facilitating seamless data ingestion and visualization. Its customizable visualization options enable users to present data effectively for their business needs.

Benefits for Consultants and Clients Alike

  • For consultants, Power BI's interface streamlines development and reduces training needs, resulting in shorter project timelines and higher client satisfaction. 
  • Clients experience faster access to insights and increased decision-making capabilities throughout their organization.
  • Power BI's low learning curve allows for quick adoption by users with varying levels of technical expertise. 
  • Its extensive online resources provide ample support for users looking to expand their skills, ensuring long-term success and sustainability.

2. Cost-Effective Solution

Cost-effectiveness plays a crucial role in decision-making for both consultants and their clients. 

Power BI is renowned for its affordability and cost-effectiveness, making it particularly appealing to small and mid-sized enterprises (SMEs). 

Reasons why Business intelligence consultants use Power BI:  Cost-Effective Solution

It offers a tiered pricing model, allowing businesses to select the ones that best fit their needs and budget.

Different Pricing Models and Plans

Power BI provides flexible pricing models and plans to suit the diverse needs of businesses. 

Whether opting for a per-user license model or a capacity-based subscription, organizations can choose the plan that best aligns with their budget and usage requirements. 

Power BI offers a range of free and premium features with varying pricing models allowing users to scale their usage as their business grows.

  • Power BI in Microsoft Fabric - Free account
  • Power BI Pro - $ 10 / Per User / Month
  • Power BI Premium - $ 20 Per User / Per Month
  • Microsoft Fabric - $ 4995 / Power BI Capacity
  • Microsoft Fabric - $ 5,002.67 / Fabric Capacity Reservation
  • Microsoft Fabric - $ 8,409.60 / Fabric Capacity as You Go

Value for Money

Despite its cost-effectiveness, Power BI delivers exceptional value for money in terms of features and capabilities. 

From data visualization and analysis to data preparation and sharing, Power BI offers a comprehensive suite of tools to meet the demands of modern businesses. 

Its seamless integration with other Microsoft products further enhances its value proposition, providing a cohesive ecosystem for data-driven decision-making.

3. Integration Capabilities

Power BI stands out for its robust integration capabilities, allowing seamless connectivity with various data sources and enhancing its analytics power.

Power BI integrates with numerous data sources, including:

  • Excel: Easily import and analyze data from spreadsheets.
  • SQL Server: Connect to SQL databases for comprehensive data analysis.
  • Azure: Leverage cloud data for real-time insights.
  • Cloud Services: Amazon Redshift, Google BigQuery, Azure SQL Database.
  • Business Applications: Salesforce, Dynamics 365, SharePoint.
  • Web-Based Feeds: JSON, XML, OData feeds.
  • Online Services: Google Analytics 4, Adobe Analytics
  • Hadoop Sources: HDInsight, Hadoop Distributed File System.

These integrations enable Power BI to consolidate data from multiple sources into a unified platform, facilitating comprehensive and real-time data analysis. This centralization improves data accuracy, consistency, and accessibility, leading to more informed decision-making.

Reasons why Business intelligence consultants use Power BI: Integration Capabilities

Case Examples of Effective Integrations

  • AI-Enhanced Analytics: Integration with Azure Machine Learning allows for advanced analytics, such as image recognition and text analysis.
  • Big Data Handling: Leveraging Azure's cloud capabilities, Power BI can manage large data volumes, speeding up insight generation and fostering collaboration among business analysts, data engineers, and data scientists.
  • Excel Integration: Businesses can transform static Excel data into dynamic visualizations, ensuring quick access to updated data and leveraging existing models within Power BI.
  • Custom Apps: Integration with Power Apps enables embedding Power BI tiles, allowing users to share insights within internal business apps without direct access to Power BI.
  • Cortana Integration: Users can interact with data via natural language queries, providing real-time insights through Microsoft's digital assistant.

4. Advanced Data Visualization

Power BI excels in providing advanced data visualization options, enabling businesses to turn raw data into visually compelling and easily interpretable insights.

Interactive UI/UX for Engaging Data Visualization & Analysis

Power BI’s interactive user interface and user experience (UI/UX) features make data analysis powerful and engaging. The platform’s drag-and-drop capabilities and formatting options streamline the creation of reports and dashboards, enhancing aesthetics and usability.

Diverse Visualization Options

Power BI offers various interactive visualizations allowing users to drill down into details or zoom out for a broader view, aiding in understanding complex datasets and making data-driven decisions.

Types of visualizations in Power BI:

  • Standard Visuals include bar charts, line graphs, pie charts, maps, and scatter plots.
  • Advanced Visuals like heat maps, treemaps, waterfall charts, and more.

Customization and Extensions

Power BI’s extensive customization capabilities allow developers to create custom visuals, extensions, and connectors, tailored to specific business needs.

  • Utilize custom visuals from the Power BI community to represent data effectively.
  • Access a wide range of visuals from the AppSource Marketplace, including bullet graphs and correlation plots.

Real-Time Interactive Dashboards

Power BI supports the creation of real-time interactive dashboards, providing a comprehensive view of business operations and enabling quick decision-making.

  • Real-time dashboards enhance operational efficiency with real-time data.
  • The availability of advanced analysis like predictive analytics helps predict outcomes and support informed decision-making.

Visual Appeal

Power BI transforms data into visually appealing charts and graphs quickly. The drag-and-drop menu, library of custom visualizations, and natural language query capabilities make creating and sharing data insights easier.

  • Its visual options include area charts, bar and column charts, doughnut charts, line charts, KPI indicators, tables, treemaps, and waterfall charts.
  • With Natural Language Queries users can type natural language queries to specify visualization types (e.g., “sales by state as a treemap”).

5. Robust Data Security

Power BI is renowned for its robust data security features, ensuring that sensitive business information remains protected while being analyzed and shared.

Reasons why Business Intelligence consultants use Power BI: Robust Security

Unified Data Governance and Security

Power BI integrates data governance and security into a single interface, streamlining user access management and ensuring compliance with regulatory standards without additional solutions.

Advanced Authentication and Access Control

  • Uses Azure Active Directory (AAD) for robust user authentication, enabling Single Sign-On (SSO) with standard Power BI credentials for secure data access.
  • Report developers can implement Row-Level Security (RLS) to ensure users see only relevant data, mitigating unauthorized access risks.
  • Global admins can assign specific permissions for viewing, editing, and sharing data, ensuring strict control.

Compliance With Industry Standards

Power BI’s security features align with industry standards, ensuring regulatory compliance:

  • Data encryption protects data in transit and at rest.
  • User authentication enhanced by AAD ensures secure access control.
  • Users can configure Power BI to meet standards like GDPR, HIPAA, ISO 27001, and SOC for comprehensive compliance.

Mobile and Enterprise Security

Power BI extends security features to mobile applications, offering enterprise mobility and security compatibility to keep data secure on the go.

Data Democratization and Customization

Supports data democratization, allowing multiple users instant access to visual data sources for customization, analysis, and visualization without expanding the core IT team.

6. Regular Updates and Improvements

Business intelligence consultants favor Power BI for its commitment to regular updates and feature enhancements, ensuring it remains at the forefront of data analysis and visualization.

Commitment to Regular Updates and Feature Enhancements

Microsoft releases monthly updates for Power BI, introducing new features, improving functionalities, and enhancing performance. 

This regular refinement keeps Power BI users equipped with the latest tools, maintaining their competitive edge in business intelligence.

Reasons why Business Intelligence consultants use Power BI: Regular Updates and Improvements

Community and Microsoft's Role in Continuous Improvement

The Power BI community significantly influences its ongoing development. Microsoft actively engages with users through forums and feedback channels, integrating community-driven ideas into the platform. 

This collaborative approach ensures Power BI evolves to meet user needs, fostering a vibrant ecosystem where best practices and innovations are shared.

Impact of Updates on Productivity and Efficiency

Frequent updates boost productivity and efficiency by streamlining workflows and enhancing performance. 

Recent updates, like advanced AI capabilities and improved data connectors, allow users to derive insights quickly and make faster decisions. 

Automating routine tasks and optimizing performance enables Power BI teams to focus on strategic analysis.

7. Scalability and Performance

One of the key reasons business intelligence consultants favor Power BI is its impressive scalability and performance, making it an essential tool for businesses of all sizes.

Handling Large Datasets and Complex Data Models

Power BI excels at managing extensive datasets and intricate data structures. 

The Power Pivot data modeling engine is a highly efficient columnar database that leverages modern tabular database technologies, ensuring large databases are compressed and fully loaded into memory for optimal performance.

Reasons why Business Intelligence consultants use Power BI: Scalability and Performance

For example, a 1GB database can be reduced to just 50-200MB. This means Power BI can seamlessly handle tables with over 100 million records, where traditional tools like Excel might struggle.

Performance Optimization Features

Power BI comes with a suite of performance optimization features. 

Automated, incremental refreshes ensure your data is always up-to-date, enhancing the reliability of visual reports. 

Its real-time data access allows users to create interactive dashboards that update instantly, vital for monitoring key performance indicators (KPIs) and making informed, timely decisions.

Scalability in Different Business Scenarios

  • Startups and Small Businesses: Power BI offers an affordable, scalable solution that grows with the company. It can initially handle smaller datasets and easily scale to manage more complex data as the business expands.
  • Large Enterprises: Power BI’s ability to manage vast amounts of data and complex models is crucial. Enterprises can deploy multiple dashboards and reports tailored to different departments, ensuring each team has access to relevant data, fostering a data-driven culture, and eliminating information silos.
  • Industry-Specific Applications: In industries like retail, finance, and healthcare, real-time data processing is essential. Power BI’s real-time dashboards enable businesses to continuously monitor sales trends, financial performance, and patient data, allowing immediate responses to emerging trends and issues.
  • Global Corporations: For multinational corporations, Power BI’s cloud capabilities allow for the deployment of business intelligence solutions across multiple geographic locations, ensuring consistent data reporting and analysis.

8. Collaboration and Sharing

Power BI’s features significantly enhance collaboration and sharing within organizations, fostering a collaborative work environment and ensuring accessibility to insights for all stakeholders.

Reasons why Business Intelligence consultants use Power BI:  Collaboration and Sharing

Facilitating Collaboration Across an Organization

Power BI enables collaboration through workspaces where team members can co-author reports, make real-time edits, and add comments, ensuring data consistency. Integration with Microsoft Teams allows seamless discussion and decision-making based on real-time data directly within the Teams platform.

Streamlined Distribution and Publication

Power BI streamlines the distribution and publication of reports and dashboards. 

Analysts can upload visualizations and reports directly to the Power BI service, where data is automatically refreshed with underlying dataset updates. This ensures all users can access current information, promoting timely and informed decision-making.

Power BI apps allow targeted distribution of reports to specific departments, ensuring relevant insights reach the right people without overwhelming them with unnecessary information.

Integration with Azure for Enhanced Collaboration

Power BI’s integration with Azure leverages cloud capabilities to manage large data volumes, speeding up insight generation. 

This integration enhances collaboration among business analysts, data engineers, and data scientists, who can work together more effectively on shared datasets. Azure Synapse further boosts Power BI’s data integration, management, and analysis capabilities.

Custom Apps and Power BI Integration

For organizations using PowerApps, Power BI allows the embedding of custom visuals within business apps. This enables employees to access insights through internal custom apps without direct access to Power BI. 

Users can interact with embedded Power BI tiles and view full dashboards if needed.

Data Governance and Security

Power BI supports robust data governance and security. Administrators can define permissions to view, edit, and share data, ensuring sensitive information is accessible only to authorized personnel. This control maintains data integrity and security while promoting collaboration.

9. Comprehensive Analytical Features

Power BI is a powerhouse of analytical capabilities that empower business intelligence consultants to derive deeper insights and provide more value to their clients. 

In-depth Analytical Capabilities

Power BI’s analytical capabilities are extensive, featuring tools such as Data Analysis Expressions (DAX), Power Query, and advanced AI integrations.

Reasons why Business Intelligence consultants use Power BI:  Comprehensive Analytical Features in Power BI

  • DAX (Data Analysis Expressions): Familiar to advanced Excel users, DAX allows for the creation of custom calculations and measures. With tools like clustering, forecasting, grouping, and quick measures, users can delve deeper into their data to quickly uncover patterns and insights.
  • Power Query: This self-service data preparation tool enables users to ingest, integrate, modify, and enhance business data effortlessly. Power Query’s ability to support a wide range of data sources and perform ETL (Extract, Transform, Load) operations makes it indispensable for preparing data for analysis.
  • AI Integrations: Power BI incorporates AI capabilities such as predictive analytics, natural language processing (NLP), and machine learning (ML) models. These features automate data analysis and provide advanced insights, making complex data more accessible and actionable.

Empowering Consultants to Derive Deeper Insights

These powerful tools enable consultants to perform sophisticated data manipulations and analyses, allowing for a more granular understanding of business performance and trends.

  • Data Modeling: Power BI’s data modeling engine allows users to establish relationships between different datasets, define calculations, and create measures. This is crucial for performing advanced calculations and constructing intricate data models that yield comprehensive analysis.
  • AI-Enhanced Analytics: Power BI’s AI features, including image recognition, text analytics, and machine learning, enable consultants to find insights from structured and unstructured data. The integration with Azure Machine Learning further enhances these capabilities, providing a robust platform for predictive analytics.

Examples of Advanced Analytics in Action

  • Sales Performance Analysis: Using DAX, a consultant can create custom measures to analyze sales performance across regions and product categories. This detailed analysis helps identify top-performing areas and products, guiding strategic decision-making.
  • Customer Segmentation: Power Query allows consultants to merge and clean customer data from multiple sources, creating comprehensive customer profiles. AI tools can then segment customers based on behavior and preferences, enabling personalized marketing campaigns.
  • Forecasting and Trend Analysis: Power BI’s predictive analytics capabilities allow consultants to build models that forecast sales trends. These insights help businesses anticipate demand, manage inventory, and optimize supply chain operations.

10. Strong Support and Community

Power BI excels in its powerful features, robust support, and vibrant community. It significantly enhances the user experience, promoting efficient problem-solving and innovation.

Extensive Resources and Support from Microsoft

Microsoft provides comprehensive resources for Power BI users, including detailed documentation, tutorials, webinars, and a vast library of learning materials on Microsoft Learn. 

Reasons why Business Intelligence consultants use Power BI: Strong Support and Community

Regular updates and feature releases ensure users have access to the latest advancements. Additionally, dedicated customer support is available to assist with technical issues, ensuring help is always available.

Active Community Forums and User Groups

Power BI benefits from an active and engaged community. Community forums, like the Power BI Community, allow users to ask questions, share insights, and discuss best practices

User groups and meetups worldwide facilitate networking and learning. These forums and groups are invaluable for users at all levels, hosting events like the Microsoft Business Applications Summit and Power Platform World Tour to share experiences and knowledge.

Impact on Problem-Solving and Innovations

Community support significantly aids in problem-solving and fosters innovation. Users can quickly find solutions through forums and discussions, accelerating the troubleshooting process and enhancing productivity. 

The exchange of ideas within the community spurs innovation as users learn new ways to leverage Power BI for their unique needs. 

Community-driven contributions, such as custom visuals and tools, extend Power BI's functionality and can be accessed through the Power BI Marketplace.


This blog discusses the top ten reasons business intelligence consultants use power BI. These include its comprehensive features and robust support system. Its user-friendly interface makes it accessible for users of all levels, significantly reducing training time and enhancing productivity. 

Its flexible pricing models ensure it delivers exceptional value for businesses of all sizes, particularly SMEs.

Moreover, Power BI seamlessly integrates with various data sources and other Microsoft products, including Azure and Teams, facilitating centralized and real-time data analysis. 

Their advanced data visualization options and robust data security features, ensure that sensitive business information is protected while being analyzed and shared. 

Additionally, the platform’s commitment to regular updates, driven by user feedback and an active community, keeps it at the forefront of business intelligence technology, enabling consultants to derive deeper insights and provide significant value to their clients. 

Overall Power BI's blend of functionality, security, and community support makes it an indispensable tool for data-driven decision-making.


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