How can businesses survive the digital disruption?

It used to be common for companies to market their products and services using methods like cold-calling and sending non-personalized emails. These methods, however, do not work in favor of prospects as it amounts to a frustrating experience.

What is sales enablement?

An important fact to remember is that 70% (aligned to achieve) of prospects buying decisions are made before they talk to the company. If so which department of your organization truly has a more significant impact on the actual sale? Sales or marketing?

7 Things About Outdated Websites Your Boss Wants To Know

The 21st century has brought with it an era of rapidly evolving new technologies, consumer expectations and a complete shift in the process of buying and selling services or products. It has also become evident that users are now browsing the internet more than ever before and this trend will only continue to see an […]

How Marketing Automation Can Propel Your Business To Success

With the growth in the use of the internet and e-commerce in business today, we’re also seeing a whole new world of marketing techniques. As the saying goes, ‘if you snooze, you lose’, and this has never been truer especially with digital marketing.

Key Ingredients Of a Digital Marketing Plan

According to a study by Smart Insights, 46% of businesses don’t have a well-defined online marketing strategy, 16% of the businesses have a strategy but hey haven’t integrated it into their marketing activities.

What is the right approach to digital marketing?

Over the last couple of years, I have met many business owners in the Greater Toronto Area. Most of them realize the changing buying behaviors of their prospects and consumers in favor of digital marketing, but they all share one common concern– “How do I approach it?”

7 Impressive Tools for Enhancing Your Content Marketing Campaigns

Smart content marketing is one of the most effective strategies available for online businesses of all sizes. Whether you run a large agency or operate as a solo entrepreneur, content can be used to find new leads and build a strong brand that resonates with your ideal audience. Trying to do everything alone can be […]