How To Measure Website Traffic

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It is imperative for marketers to actively measure website traffic to understand visitor behavior and how they engage with your website. Analyzing website metrics or KPIs will help you assess your website performance, optimize your website, and convert visitors into customers.

Recent studies have found that 71% of businesses now have an online presence while 28% of them conduct business and e-commerce activities online. However, one might get confused as there are so many metrics to track. 

Therefore, marketers need to narrow down which metrics align with their business goals so that they can have the data they need. 

It is also important to note that not all traffic coming to your website are leads. Irrelevant website traffic will leave as soon as they visit. You should only track quality traffic that has a high potential to convert.

If you are a website analytics novice or you feel like you are not getting the accurate data you need then this blog will help you understand website traffic analytics and how to strategically measure metrics that can help you track quality website traffic.

What is Website Traffic Analytics?

Website traffic analysis is the process of tracking and analyzing web traffic data on your website. However, measuring website traffic alone is not enough. You also need to know whether that traffic is engaging with your website’s content and has the potential to convert.

 Some areas that you should analyze are:

  • Who is visiting your website?
  • How much time do they spend on your website?
  • What do they do on your website?
  • How do they engage with your content?

Depending on the requirements of your business, you may need to track different metrics that are relevant to you. You will identify which metrics will be most important for you as you start collecting data and interpreting data. 

To carry out accurate data analysis, you need to first understand how to put together a measurement strategy after which you can look at key metrics that measure your website traffic and performance. 

Measurement Strategy

Developing an effective measurement strategy is crucial to comprehensively assess and optimize website traffic. This strategy outlines the specific metrics and tools to be employed in measuring the performance of your online platform. 


The primary objective is to gather insightful data that informs decision-making and aids in achieving predetermined goals.

A well-structured measurement strategy begins by identifying key performance indicators (KPIs) aligned with the overarching objectives of the website. These KPIs might encompass metrics such as page views, unique visitors, bounce rate, conversion rate, and engagement time. 

This strategy provides the tools to be utilized for data collection and analysis, which often include web analytics platforms like Google Analytics or custom tracking solutions.

To maintain a sustainable digital marketing measurement strategy, you need to regularly review and adjust the strategy to accommodate changing business goals and technological advancements.

Planning Your Measurement Tech Stack

It is crucial to have a well-structured measurement tech stack in place to effectively measure and analyze website traffic. This stack comprises tools and platforms that help you collect, process, and interpret data. 

Let’s delve into the components of a robust measurement tech stack.


These metrics provide insight into how users interact with your website. 

Two key components to focus on are:

  • Sessions: A session is a period of time during which a user actively interacts with your website. Measuring sessions helps you understand how long users stay on your site, what pages they visit, and how they navigate through your content.
  • Recordings: User session recordings capture and review the actual interactions users have with your website. You can use tools such as Hotjar or Crazy Egg to record and play back user sessions to see where they click, scroll, and spend the most time. This visual representation can help you identify usability issues, optimize user flows, and improve the overall user experience.


Converting users is the ultimate goal of any website, whether it’s signing up for a newsletter, making a purchase, or filling out a contact form. 

Monitoring conversion rates involves tracking various elements such as:

  • Web Forms: These forms are essential for capturing user information. You can set up event tracking to monitor how many users fill out forms halfway, how many complete them, and how many submit them. This data helps you identify potential friction points in your forms and optimize them for higher completion rates.
  • CTAs that Convert Leads: Calls-to-action (CTAs) are prompts that encourage users to take a specific action, such as “Buy Now” or “Sign Up.” You can analyze click-through rates and conversion rates of different CTAs to determine which ones are the most effective and refine your strategies accordingly.
  • CRM Platform for Evaluation: After users convert, it’s important to evaluate their journey beyond the initial interaction. Customer Relationship Management (CRM) platforms like Salesforce or HubSpot allow you to track leads and customers, analyze their behavior, and gain insights into how they engage with your brand post-conversion. 


Understanding where your website traffic comes from is crucial for optimizing your acquisition strategies

Some components you should consider are:

  • Google Analytics 4 (GA4): GA4 offers enhanced tracking capabilities and allows you to collect data from websites and mobile apps to provide a comprehensive view of user interactions. You can track events, user engagement, and user paths more effectively.
  • UTM Parameters: These are tags added to URLs to track the source, medium, and campaign of a website visit. You can add UTM parameters to your links to differentiate traffic sources within your analytics platform and determine which campaigns are driving the most traffic and conversions.
  • Tracking Pixels: Tracking pixels are tiny, invisible images embedded in your website. They’re used to collect data about user behavior and conversions. Platforms like Facebook and Google Ads use tracking pixels to help you measure the effectiveness of your advertising campaigns and retarget users who interacted with your site before.

Building a comprehensive measurement tech stack is essential for accurately tracking and interpreting various aspects of your website traffic. You can gather valuable insights that drive informed decisions and improve your online presence.

Key Metrics To Measure Traffic 

Digital Analytics Checklist


Google Analytics offers reports that give you an overview and an in-depth view of the traffic on your website that can help you create effective marketing campaigns.

Engagement Events and Conversions

You can find how visitors to your website are interacting with your content and whether that content is converting visitors into customers. These reports can be found under the “Engagement” tab in the reports section of GA4.

Events are user interactions with content that can be calculated independently of a webpage or screen load. Downloads, form submissions, link clicks, and video plays are all examples of events. 

Conversions show how many events have successfully converted people and encouraged them to take the desired actions. These conversions can help you determine which marketing channels and web pages helped your users convert.

Pages and Screens

This report provides a comprehensive overview of user interactions with specific pages and screens on your website or app. This report plays a pivotal role by offering insights into user engagement and content performance.

It includes essential metrics such as page views, screen views, engagement metrics like average engagement time, and the number of interactions with specific elements on each page or screen. 

These metrics will help you understand which pages/screens are most popular, the level of engagement users exhibit, and which content might require optimization.

Furthermore, the “Pages and Screens” report enables you to segment data based on various dimensions, such as traffic source, device type, and user demographics. These insights aid in tailoring your content and user experience to different audience segments.

Landing Pages

A landing page is where a user first comes in contact with your website. You can determine user behavior by looking at your landing pages, especially the ones where you want your users to convert. 

For example

When potential customers search for a product and come across an ad that leads them to a landing page on your website. You would need to see if the users are taking the desired action that will allow them to convert to customers.

If no conversions are happening or you see a high bounce rate then that means that something is wrong. Maybe the page is taking time to load, some links might be broken, or the page has a confusing interface. 

You can analyze which area of your website is becoming a bottleneck and try to fix it. This can create a better user experience and increase conversions. Keep track of your top-performing landing pages and the ones that need improvement. 

Traffic Acquisition: Channels Report

Channels are sources through which users come to your website. You need to monitor different channels to better understand user behavior. This also helps you know which marketing efforts are successful in driving traffic to your website. 

These channels can include:

  • Direct: This is the traffic that comes directly to your page without any source in between and is one of the best ways to measure your brand awareness.
  • Referrals: The traffic in referrals usually comes from other websites or people who are either referring your services to others or using your website link on their website.
  • Organic: This refers to the visitors who arrive at your website or app through unpaid, natural search engine results. These users find your content by searching for relevant keywords on search engines like Google, without clicking on paid advertisements. These metrics show how successful your organic and SEO efforts are.
  • Social: The sources of this traffic are mainly social media, ads, and hashtags from the website links you have added to your social media channels. It will give you an insight into the success of your social media presence. 
  • Unassigned: This report represents visits where the source of the traffic couldn’t be identified or categorized which might include instances where tracking parameters are missing or when the source falls outside the recognized channels.
  • Paid Other: This report refers to visitors who arrive at your website through paid advertising efforts on sources other than major platforms like Google Ads or social media channels. This category includes paid promotion on smaller or niche platforms.

User Acquisition: Users

The number of visitors you are getting is one of the most significant metrics to consider. Why so? It helps you understand how well your website’s content and services are performing. If you’re getting more visitors, it indicates that people are interested in what you offer.

Users are usually divided into 3 types: 

  • New users: These are first-time visitors to your website for a certain period. They are counted once even if they have visited your site before. These visitors are identified by their IP address along with the cookie on the browser they use. 
    For example,
    If a user visits your website 4-5 times in a day it will still be counted as one visit. However, if they visit your site from a different device then that might count as a new visit.
  • Active users: These users are the ones who engage with your website within a particular period. They are the ones who are more likely to avail of your services or have already purchased from you. However, this is not the only criterion to measure active users. It entirely depends on the activity they are performing or what you want them to perform. 
    For example,
    Some websites only want users to download a checklist or subscribe to a newsletter.
  • Total users: It is the total number of users that visit your website including active and new visitors. 

Bounce Rate and Engagement Rate

Bounce happens when a user leaves your website after viewing just one page. It’s counted when a session involves only one interaction with the Analytics server. 

For instance,

If someone visits your site and leaves without doing anything else. The bounce rate is the proportion of these single-page sessions compared to all sessions.

In GA4, the main data model emphasizes engaged sessions over bounce rate. 

A session is considered engaged if either of the following happens:

  • A user stays on the website/page for more than 10 seconds (or custom-defined engaged session duration).
  • A user visits more than 1 page on a website.
  • A conversion event is triggered during the session.

If you want users to visit more than one page, then a high bounce rate is not ideal for your website’s success. This indicates that people are leaving your website without engaging. 

However, if you have a single-page site such as a blog or any other type of content where a single session is expected then a high bounce rate is normal.


For single-page websites to blog posts, you can get a better picture of engagement by measuring the amount of time spent on the page, scroll depth, and heat-map tracking. Let us know if you need help tracking website interactions beyond the bounce rate.

If you want to reduce the bounce rate, then you can examine your bounce rate from different angles. You can optimize your website or test out various site versions to see what makes your website more engaging for the audience.

Pages and Screens: Pages Views and User Session Durations

These metrics give insights into the average number of pages viewed by a user during a visit to your site. It will help you determine how compelling users find your content and the accessibility of your site.

This report enables you to keep your users interested and engaged so that they take the desired action since it allows you to measure the user’s interest and curiosity in your company.

Sometimes having a high number of pages per session is not necessarily a good thing, therefore, you also have to consider the average session duration on the site and bounce rate to make an accurate judgment while measuring this metric. 

Since, this can also indicate that the user is struggling to find the right information, thus, it is important to compare these three metrics before you make a decision.

Average Engagement Time

This metric indicates the total duration of all sessions (in seconds) divided by the number of sessions. Average session duration along with bounce rate and page views per session allows you to find out how long users stay on your site. 

This is an important metric to determine user engagement and content relevance. Longer session duration shows that a user is interested in your content.

Tech Overview: Devices Metrics

These metrics show you which device is used by a majority of users to access your website. People use different devices like desktops, mobile phones, or tablets to do their online searches.

You should make sure that your website is compatible with all devices. If your website takes time to load on any one of these devices, the layout is messy, and the fonts are too small then users might leave your site without interacting.

Monitor your devices’ reports and ensure that you improve your user experience across devices.

How to Look For Reports in GA4? 

Google Analytics 4 Reports GA4 Reports GA4 reporting

In GA4, reports are divided into several parts: 

  • Acquisition
  • Engagement
  • Monetization
  • Retention
  • User Attributes
  • Tech 

You can find these reports under the Home Tab on the left-hand side of the page when you log into your Google Analytics account.

Google Analytics 4 has changed to provide better insights into your website’s performance and it now collects data in a different way as compared to how Universal Analytics collected data. 

What Else to Measure Beyond Google Analytics?

Return on Investment 

ROI is a comparison between the amount you invest in your site and the return you can expect to achieve. While measuring the ROI of a website, you should take into account the cost spent on it and the revenue generated from it. 

Customer Lifetime Value

Customer lifetime value is the total amount of revenue a website generates from a customer throughout their relationship with them. This value increases over time as customers continue to buy from a company.

User Experience

  • A/B Testing: Have 2-3 ideas and not sure which one will work? That’s where AB testing will come in. Split your audience into 2-3 different groups and test your ideas to check which one works well. This will help you understand your audience. 
  • Session Recordings: If you don’t know what the users are doing on your website then you can use session recordings to get insights into user interactions. 
  • Heatmaps: A heatmap on a website shows which areas of a page receive the most and the least user interaction. Typically, they are created with software that tracks and records user activity, such as mouse movements and clicks.

Customer Loyalty and Experience

You can use a net promoter score to measure customer loyalty and get insights into their experience with your services. 

When a customer purchases a product or service and likes it, they might end up recommending it to others. This measures their net promoter score

NPS is a tool used to check how willing a customer is to recommend your product or service to others. A customer can score your service from 0-10 depending on their experience. 


There are many ways to measure your website traffic and the list is never-ending. The different ways through which you want to measure these metrics must also depend on your business requirements. 

All of the metrics discussed in this post will help you measure quality website traffic which has the potential to convert. 

Need help in measuring your website’s traffic? Reach out to us!


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This article was last updated on August 31, 2023

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