Why is your Conversion Rate Dropping? 11 Possible Reasons.

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Low Conversion Rates and Business Resilience:

Are your consumer preferences not shifting the game in the ever-evolving business world? If it’s the case then it might be alarming because if your business is not expanding then there might be a chance of your business fading away. The low conversion rate signifies less engagement on your website or app. 

Within eCommerce, the average conversion rate is 2-3% in 2023 depending on the industry. This means that in total 100 people who are clicking on the website only 2% of people take the desired actions.  

Wanna know the reason for the drop

Let’s explore the impact of conversion rate giants and dive deep to look at how a low conversion rate can be a critical factor leading to the failure of your business.

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What is the Low Conversion Rate? 

A conversion rate is a digital marketing metric measuring a website’s effectiveness in turning visitors into buyers. A conversion is a session resulting in product acquisition. It is crucial for assessing website efficiency, businesses use it to optimize online presence and marketing strategies.

A low conversion rate means that a small percentage of visitors to an online store make a purchase.

This ratio provides a percentage that represents the proportion of visitors who have completed a purchase out of the total number of visitors who engaged with the site during a given period.


Your Conversion Rate = Successful Purchases / Visitor Interaction 

For example, you sent an email about your new product to 20,000 previous customers. Out of these, 500 clicked to pre-order. To find the conversion rate, divide 500 by 20,000, giving you a 2.5% conversion rate. This means that 2.5% of the people received the email and ended up signing up for the order.

Strategic Conversions: Industry Insights, CRO Tactics, and ROI Optimization

A good conversion rate varies by industry, with general benchmarks ranging from 2% to 5%. Here are a few industry-specific examples:

  • E-commerce: 2% to 5%, but high-performing sites may exceed 10%.
  • Technology: 5% to 10% due to targeted audiences.
  • Travel: 1% to 3% because of extensive browsing before booking.
  • Real Estate: 1% to 3%, reflecting the complexity of decisions.
  • Healthcare: 1% to 4%, influenced by the need for trust.

Conversion rate is crucial because it reveals how many people respond to your marketing efforts compared to the total audience. 

To boost conversion, consider Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO). This involves tweaking your site or content to better engage visitors.

A higher conversion rate means a better Return on Investment (ROI). If you spend $2,000  and get more conversions without increasing spending, your ROI improves.

To learn more about measuring ROI, visit:


Reasons For Low Conversion Rate: 

Failure to generate a conversion rate up to mark can be a hassle and many of us can’t know the reasons for this drop. 

So here is the list of 11 reasons that make your conversion rate low. 

11 Reasons Why Conversion Rate is dropping

Website Design:

Your website is often the first point of contact with potential customers. An outdated or poorly designed website can create a negative impression, leading to a higher bounce and lower conversion rate. 

Confusing navigation, lack of clarity in landing pages, cumbersome checkout process, and slow loading times can frustrate visitors and lead to a drop in conversions.

Breakthrough: Streamline website navigation for a user-friendly experience, improving overall accessibility. Optimize landing pages with a prominent CTA.

Inadequate Customer Support:

Excellent customer support is a cornerstone of a successful online business. If your customer support is lacking or response times are slow, it can negatively impact customer trust and satisfaction.

Customers who encounter problems and find it difficult to get a solution are more likely to abandon their purchase or even spread negative reviews, which can further deter new customers.

Break Through: Implement responsive customer support channels and address inquiries promptly to foster positive experiences.

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Ineffective Product Descriptions:

Your product descriptions play a vital role in persuading visitors to make a purchase. If they are unclear, generic, or lack persuasive elements, customers may be reluctant to proceed.

Invest time in crafting detailed, engaging product descriptions that highlight the value and benefits of your offerings. If a product description is unclear or overly technical, it can confuse customers rather than inform them.

Breakthrough: Provide comprehensive product descriptions, specifications, layman language style, and high-quality images to aid decision-making.

Unoptimized Process:

A cumbersome or confusing checkout process can lead to cart abandonment. Lengthy or confusing forms can discourage users from completing conversions. 

Lack of streamlining forms, unnecessary steps, and bad user interface elements can create a nuisance for users. 

Breakthrough: Simplify and streamline the checkout process, minimize the number of steps, and offer guest checkout options. Simplify forms, reduce required fields, and provide clear instructions for a smoother user experience.

Failure to Adapt to Trends:

The digital world is constantly evolving, and consumer behaviors change accordingly. If your business fails to adapt to emerging social media and digital marketing trends, you may lose relevance and, subsequently, conversions. 

Outdated or irrelevant content can lead to decreased interest and, subsequently, lower conversion rates. Failing to integrate new technologies may hinder a business’s ability to convert leads into customers.

Breakthrough: Stay informed about industry trends, technological advancements, and shifting consumer preferences.

Ineffective Marketing Strategies:

Your marketing efforts directly impact your conversion rate. If your marketing strategies are not effectively reaching and resonating with your target audience, you may experience a decline in conversions.  

Targeting the wrong audience or misinterpreting customer needs can result in marketing messages that don’t resonate. If the marketing strategy fails to address the specific needs and preferences of the target audience, it may lead to a lack of interest and conversion.

Breakthrough: Refine your marketing channels, messaging, and targeting and ensure alignment with your audience’s needs and preferences.

Underutilizing Data and Analytics:

Neglecting data analytics prevents the identification of conversion bottlenecks. If you need to leverage data and analytics tools to track user behavior, preferences, and conversion paths, you may gain valuable insights. Regularly review analytics data to identify areas for improvement. 

Breakthrough: Regularly analyze website analytics to identify areas for improvement and implement data-driven changes.

Seasonal or Economic Factors: 

External factors like seasonal trends or economic downturns can impact consumer behavior and lead to a lower conversion rate. Stay aware of these influences and adapt your strategies accordingly.

Moreover, during a broader economic downturn, people might tighten their budgets, leading to decreased purchasing power. In such times, customers may become more price-sensitive and cautious about their spending. 

This can directly influence the conversion rate as potential customers may be more hesitant to make purchases or may seek more affordable alternatives.

Let’s assume that in an economic downturn, a luxury online retailer may see a decline in conversion rates as consumers prioritize essential spending over high-end purchases. The hesitation to indulge in luxury items due to financial uncertainties prompts a need for strategic pricing adjustments or promotional initiatives to adapt to shifting consumer behaviors.

Breakthrough: Tailored your promotions, dynamic pricing, and a focus on customer engagement to navigate seasonal or economic fluctuations and boost conversion rates.

Lack of Trust Factors: 

Building trust is crucial in online business. If your website lacks trust signals like security badges, customer testimonials, or reviews, potential customers may be hesitant to convert. Instilling doubts about payment security, data privacy, and website credibility.

Breakthrough: Implementing secure online practices, providing clear information, and fostering positive customer experiences all contribute to establishing and maintaining trust, ultimately improving conversion rates.

Limited Payment Options:

Limited payment options can lower conversions by restricting customers’ preferred choices and creating friction in the checkout process. If users can’t pay using their preferred method (credit cards, digital wallets, etc.), they may abandon their purchase

This limitation can alienate potential customers who may not trust the available options or feel uncomfortable sharing certain financial information. 

Break Through: Offering a variety of payment methods caters to diverse customer preferences and can enhance trust and convenience, ultimately increasing conversion rates.

Cracked Data Code: 

The last but most important reason can be your analytics not telling you the truth. Your online sales are declining, it’s not as straightforward as it seems. It means the data might not be giving you the whole story. 

Don’t be too quick to blame your conversion rate. The real culprit could be a flood of uninterested visitors, maybe from places where your product or service isn’t a good fit. 

Let’s assume, that your store is in a town where people don’t need winter jackets, having a bunch of jacket-buying visitors won’t help your sales. 

Break Through: Check for website issues, make sure your ads match your audience, and keep an eye on what your competitors are up to. 

Technical glitches, misaligned marketing strategies, evolving customer behaviors, and external competitive dynamics should all be evaluated properly in this regard. 

By digging into these details, you’ll get a clearer picture of what’s really going on and how to turn things around.



In summary, a low conversion rate can be a critical challenge for businesses, indicating less engagement and potential revenue loss. The conversion rate, calculated by dividing successful purchases by visitor interactions, is a key metric for assessing a website’s effectiveness.

Various factors contribute to a drop in conversion rates, and businesses need to address these issues promptly.

Outdated website design, inadequate customer support, ineffective product descriptions, and unoptimized processes can all negatively impact the user experience, leading to lower conversions.

Failure to adapt to trends, ineffective marketing strategies, underutilization of data and analytics, and external factors such as seasonal or economic influences also play significant roles.

Building trust is crucial in online business, and lacking trust factors like security badges and customer testimonials can contribute to lower conversion rates.

Additionally, limited payment options may create friction in the checkout process, discouraging potential customers from completing their purchases. Furthermore, the last reason might be your data is lying to you.

To overcome these challenges and improve conversion rates, businesses should focus on streamlining website navigation, providing excellent customer support, crafting compelling product descriptions, optimizing processes, and adapting to trends.

Refining marketing strategies, leveraging data and analytics, considering seasonal or economic factors, building trust, and offering a variety of payment options.

In a nutshell, businesses must continuously assess and enhance their online presence and marketing strategies to meet the ever-evolving demands of consumers.

By addressing the ten main reasons for low conversion rates, businesses can work towards resilience and sustained success in the dynamic digital landscape.


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This article was last updated on November 27, 2023

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